Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Updates, and Prizes at Lupan Release Party!

Just wanted to post another reminder about the Lupan release part at Rocket City FurMeet on the 6th of June, from 7-9 pm slt!

We will be giving away free Lupan avatars during the event by random name drawing. A free avatar will be handed out at each of these event times.

7:15 - 7:45 pm slt
8:15 -8:45 om slt

So be there for a chance at a free Lupan avatar of your choosing if your lucky enough to be picked!

In other updates: Valen and myself are getting the Lupan vendors together for the release party. Soon to box up all the avatars and get them into the vendor. Once thats all out of the way I planned to make some Lupan add ons and accessories to sell :) though my ideas could suit any of the Rez Fantazy avatrs.


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