Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So whats next, Lupans are done...

I'll tell ya whats next! Sell my business for a million dollars, I take a super long vacation, do nothing, absolutely nothing! No seriously I'm kidding, but I will not lie, making those Lupans was not easy, it was time consuming and tiresome, but soooo worth it. For sure they are currently my favorite Second Life product. I still just have to make their sound hud and prepare a low prim vendor for the release party.

But Lupans aside, these are the things on my Second Life adgenda.

  1. Refine the capran avatars, update them with all new features.
  2. Release some sort of freebie avatar. (probably a simple version of some Ive made already)
  3. Soon after refining the Caprans I will be releasing a Kirin avatar.
  4. I still have two Legend outfits to make for Demons & Angels.
  5. Make a video tutorial on how to make clothes in photoshop.

I think thats it for things on the list, things I hope to check off as the weeks go by. I also had a thought, to ask my fan base to send me in any questions they would like to ask about me and my business, encase they were curious, wanted pointers on anything, and then posting my long winded replies here on my blog, what do you think?

Also, I HAVE MADE A SEVENTH LUPAN COLOR! But I wont show it untill the release party, mwahahah. So Seven colors to choose from people!

Stay tuned ;)


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