Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ideas for the horses....

So, I am sitting here staring at the pictures I just posted. I do that allot as I sort of sit back and assess what to do next, picture in my mind what needs more texturing, what features to add, how to animate stuff... and I had some good ideas! Original ideas that I think will set my horses apart from other designers.

Was thinking of making is so the eyes can be changed a few basic colors, natural colors. Thought it might be cool that owners can choose from a few different facial marking types for each horse color, snips, bald faces, stripe and blaze. I also though I could do that on the some of the legs, sock or stocking or neither. So there can be some minor customizations at least.

I also thought id make it come with an English and Western saddle, rather then make people buy one or the other.

Yes good ideas I think Ill implement into mine....


Seindria said...

Awesome ideas. The Hoof It horse avatars have multiple eye colors, but not the riding horses. Same for markings. On the horse avatar, all this is HUD controlled.

Western and English are good, since sometimes you want one or the other. The only current horse I know of that has a side saddle option is the AKK horses (and you saw my rant about them), so maybe consider that, since it's more "lady like" and some people might appreciate it for RP. I even have a dress made for a rider going side saddle, but I never ride my side saddle horse on that account. (That could be something else you add into your clothing line, side saddle dresses.)

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