Monday, June 22, 2009

Overhaul coming for Mithica!

I decided to give Mithica another over haul in landscape and looks. I will be keeping to the outdoors theme still but I think I will go with making islands this time, instead of mountainous walk ways and paths. I wont be keeping the lounge garden as I don't think anyone uses it so it just takes up space and prims. I think it would be nice with some greenery but expansive water all around!

So expect some changes in the next few days. Landmarks will be changing for Rez Fantazy and Demons & Angels as I move them around to new areas of the sim. Im making Rez Fantazy a bit bigger as well so I can accomodate future release partys on my own land. The capran will be the next release, a small party for upgrading them so their features match that of the Lupan. And later of course will be the Kirin avatar, I expect to be a bigger event when the time comes.

My husband Valen Planer as he reopened his shop of interesting gadgets, he has a platform in the sky. Visit Valen's Lab at This Slurl

Anyway, keep posted!


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