Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Avatar Update

Its possible that within the next day or two (maybe even today! O.o) that I will have a complete base model of the wolf avatar finished! Working hard yesterday my husband and scripter got allot done. The wolf now blinks, has changing eye colors, a wagging tail and twitching ears. He can make a growl/snarl face, which is way cool! Don't forget talking jaw. Foot prints and sound hud still need to be done.

This time around we are going to try and see about making the paw prints count as particles so that they don't spam people when they walk. Ive had complaints on this matter. Sometimes I wonder if they ever read the note card to see that they can be turned off, but oh well, this would make it easier to use at least :)

So all that's really left are minor refinements to the avatar. What does this all mean? Well once my base model is finished I can quickly make a female version and then start making the wolves in new colors! Hopefully in another week or two we will be having the release party :)


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