Monday, December 15, 2014

New items now available in main store!

The christmas Expo is over, and now the items that were exclusive to the event are now available at the Demons & Angels store. Items included were the new ridable silver dapple unicorn, and the women's fantasy outfit, Arryn in white. So if you didn't make it to the Expo, pop on over to the main store to easily pick the item(s) up if they interest you! Happy Holidays! Please visit my main store here: SLURL Link Or see my items on the Marketplace: HER...

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Demons & Angels at the 2014 Christmas Expo! Relay for Life Event!

This is Demons & Angels first year attending the 2014 Christmas Expo and Breedables Fair. No I don't currently sell any breedables, but I was sent an invitation to come along anyway, as despite the misleading name, the faire is not just about breedables, there are all kind of merchants attending which make all kinds of creations :) Demons & Angels booked a spot and we can be found there offering new goodies as well as some of the old. Exclusively arriving at the Expo you can find these following new items, payments are donated to Relay for Life! Be sure to come and grab one or both up! SLURL HERE And now here are a few sample pictures of the Expo grounds and the Demons & Angels location! Enjoy :) Click...

Monday, November 10, 2014

New - Arryn from D&A

New outfit yet again! A new woman's piece, as per usual complete and versatile as it can be worn various ways. Right now I have it in two colors, but there will be a third coming which will premiere at the Second life's Relay for Life Christmas Expo, which Demons and Angels will be participating. So stay tuned for that! White will be available at the Relay for Life Christmas Expo. Please visit my main store here: SLURL Link Or see my items on the Marketplace: HER...

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Caspian - New by Demons & Angels

Caspian is a complete and versatile outfit that can be worn in various ways! from the hood to the boots! Its perfect for a rogue or bard and perhaps even a nobleman a little practical around the edges ;)  Enjoy! Please visit my main store here: SLURL Link Or see my items on the Marketplace: HER...

Monday, October 20, 2014

New mens outfit! Courtly Rogue

Introducing a good old renaissance kinda outfit, Courtly Rogue! in three colors :) its a nice versatile outfit as per usual hehe. It can be worn in a few ways depending no your preference. It can be picked up at my store or on the marketplace! Enjoy. Please visit my main store here: SLURL Link Or see my items on the Marketplace: HER...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

New release! Intimate Angel

In black and white I introduce D&A's first real intimate Lingerie piece of clothing! its a versatile set that you can wear in a few different ways based on your mood or needs :) Its available in my store for 300L's a steal for everything you get! Two tops, one corset, one sheer sexy layer, both with sheer frills. Elegant pair of gloves and stockings. A sexy panty with a flowing sheer stole. Finally a pair of feels that come with with a skin changing hud to match your skin tone! Please visit my main store here: SLURL Link Or see my items on the Marketplace: HERE. ...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

New Outfit, Guinevere!

Completed a new outfit, yay! I can hardly believe it myself! You can pick it up at my main store or the marketplace for 300L this is a complete outfit, it even has a bit of intimate items underneath, and is versatile and can be worn many ways! The cool part though is the leaves and flowers! The colors can be changed via a hud ;) Enjoy, enjoy! Please visit my main store here: SLURL Link Or see my items on the Marketplace: HER...

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